Biraja Prasad Ghoshal, PhD

Honorary postdoctoral fellow


Biraja has 25+ years of experience in Data & Analytics at Tata Consultancy Services. He has a PhD in Bayesian Deep Learning - Measuring Uncertainty in Deep Learning Models of Medical Images. He is involved with applying Machine Learning techniques - “Knowing how much confidence there is in a prediction is essential for gaining clinicians’ trust in the technology” for advancement in medical science and healthcare technology for mankind. His primary focus is to develop AI/ML-based automation tools that can positively impact the future of Public Health to provide a better life for patients.

He is helping develop Eye2Gene: a deep-learning-based AI tool to aid the molecular diagnosis for diagnosing inherited retinal diseases at the Institute of Ophthalmology, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK. More generally, he is interested in various areas of calibrated deep learning and applying it within various cost-sensitive safety-critical medical imaging applications.

He has been on the program committee for many international conferences, including AI in Medicine and ECML-PKDD. In addition, he reviewed for numerous journals: Dove Medical Press, MDPI, Frontiers, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Reports in Medical Imaging, International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions, The European Conference on Machine Learning, IEEE Computer-Based Medical Systems.

Curriculum Vitae

Dec 1995-now


Data & AI Lead, Tata Consultancy Service

Sep 2022


PhD, Applied and Theoretical Machine Learning, Brunel University, UK.

Dec 2003


Master of Science (MS), Department of Computer Science, University of California, San Jose State University, USA.

Aug 1995


Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.), Computer Science & Engineering, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.

Aug 1992


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Physics Hons, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.

Research Projects


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Hierarchical Tissue Segmentation

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Medical Image Quality Metrics for Retinal Scans

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