Wheeler Li, MSc

MSc student


I studied Physics in my undergraduate and currently studying Health Data Science MSc programme. I have experiences in statical analysis and machine learning pipline building, utilising Python, Stata and SQL. I am familiar with classification, segmentation and prediction networks using CNN, RNN (LSTM) and U-net structures. My research interest is in using NLP and image processing techniques to analyse the medical data. I am currently working on an information extraction project to extract ocular numeric measurements from clinical letters, supervised by Mr. Quang Nguyen and Dr. Nikolas Pontikos. Also, I am doing a group research project for OCT Image Segmentation and utilising trained U-net to detect Optical diseases.

Curriculum Vitae



MSc Student, University College London



BSc in Physics, University College London

Research Projects


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We are always eager for hard-working & motivated people to come and work with us.

If you're interested in joining us, please send Nikolas Pontikos a quick email with a CV and personal statement