Yichen Liu, MEng

AI Research Assistant


My research interest revolves around bio-inspired or -related data science. I am currently working on the medical image segmentation project and, more generally, a wide range of challenges that arise in machine learning for biomedical applications at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Reading Centre. In specific, I am highly interested in Bayesian statistics, theoretical machine learning, and reinforcement learning. Thanks to the recent scientific and technological advances in computer science, it became feasible to employ these academic curiosities in real-world biomedical settings which would benefit medical professionals and patients. Before joining the lab, I completed my MEng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad at Imperial College London and ETH Zürich.

Curriculum Vitae



MEng in Computer Science, ETH Zürich



MEng in Electrical and Electronics, Imperial College London

Research Projects


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